Generally electronic goods carry a limited warranty on purchase. First you must read the limitations and the coverage of the warranty . Mostly the companies give warrenty based on the some lab tests and the statistics. Most electronics items may just survive the warranty period and may fail very soon after it. The cost computed by the company the product may fail in next year is proportional to
Percentage of people opting extended warranty * probability of that the product may fail * Max cost of replacement.
On the initial days we would take extreme caution the product. Then later on we would reduce the care that we take exponentially over time. This increases the probability the product may fail after the warranty period.
So what can we do ?
Don't hesitate to use your product extensively within the limits given on the warrenty during the warrenty period. Try to extend the warrenty to another year if the product's average life expectancy is above five years.If the product survives it has a greater probability that it would serve the entire average span. And don't forget to have your warrenty card safe.
Hi! thanks for this piece of information
ReplyDeletemany of our traders don't even give us the warranty card until we ask for it & when they give they will not fill in the date & year!
we should spread awareness like this
Nice article. Very interesting